Top 10 ways to make money online in 2020

Nowadays making money online is become so easy. You just have to do some research on your topic and you can easily make money just by setting at home. 

But it is also not that easy to make money online by just sharing some apps or playing game(apps which gives you money for playing) it is not that simple.
Making money online requires lots of patience and time. Even earning 10 $ can takes months. But if one is devoted to his/her work then he/she can easily start earning.
There are many ways by which you can start your own small business. 

So today i am going to share with you top 10 ways by which you can start making money just by sitting at home.

1. Drop Shipping

Dropshipping is an order fulfillment method that does not require a business to keep products in stock. Instead, the store sells the product, and passes on the sales order to a third-party supplier, who then ships the order to the customer.
In dropShiping you just have to sell other people’s goods and take a cut for yourself.
Many e-commerce website provides dropshipping facility, you can easily search more about dropshipping and can start your own dropshipping business.

2. YouTube

Making videos on youtube is  one of the best ways to make money online.Many Youtubers make lakhs of rupees every month through their youtube videos.Though for a new youtuber ,getting views on videos is a very tough job.But if your content is unique the getting views is a very easy job for you.The main source of income of youtuber is through Google Adsense, but many youtubers also earn through Sponserships.

3. Freelancing

If you are good in programming,video editing, designing or marketing then you can find a lot of paid jobs. You just need to be patient and willing to learn more.
There are many websites on which you can do free lancing like , ,
You can easily start your freelancing journey through these websites.

4. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate is similar to running a retail shop. You signup with retailers like Amazon and Flipkart, promote your favourite products on your website and social media to make decent money.
In Affiliate marketing you can easily start earning even without having your own website. You can earn simply by sharing affiliated links on social media accounts and if some buys through your link you will get commission.

5. Through Social media

Earning through social media is one of the bestest way to make money online. 
There is no limit on the earning potential through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. There are people out there who charge as much as thousands of rupees for just one tweet or Facebook post.If you have a good amount of followers on your social media account then you can easily make money through it by taking sponserships.

6. Blogging

Blogging is also one of the best way to earn online. But it requires a lots of patience as getting adsense approved your blog is not that easy task.You also affiliate products links to blog to make some extra money.
Many websites like , etc. provides you place to start your blogging.

8. Learn Stock Market Trading

In stock marketing you need some money to start.You can earn money by buying and selling stocks.
Stock marketing have risk to lose money. So it is better to start with less money and invest more time in learning the basics of stock trading.
Stock marketing also have a very high potential to make money online.

9. Buy & Sell Domains

You may not know but you can rent your website if you have good traffic. 
Selling your domain if you have a good SEO score (Domain Authority) or you own a domain with a special name.You can buy expired domains and sell at a higher price to people who need that.

10. Create your own E-Commerce App

If you have your contact with a wholeseller then you can also start you own e-commerce website/app.
All you need is products and your own e-commerce app.
You can simply get created your own app by some app developers and can easily start your own e-commerce business.
So these were the 10 ways buy which you can make money online by just setting at your home.If you are really passionate and hardworking then you can easily make money online.Now stop thinking and start doing the stuff.


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